FContact Center Software for Banks and Financial Institutions

Contact Center Software for Banks and Financial Institutions

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Contact Center Software for Banks and Financial Institutions

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    Customer Experience

    is the new battlefield for businesses

    This is the opportunity to up your game in the CX arena and maximize your customer base.

    • A Walker study found that by the end of 2020 , customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator.

    • According to a 2015 study by Engine, the BFSI sector rated last in a comparison of other major industries in a Customer Experience Survey

    Banks and Financial institutions are the core of any economy in the world. It is important that the workflows seamlessly and that the banks time and again aim for customer delight. Interaction with the frontline employees, who are often called the face of the company must be a pleasant experience so that there is a positive image of the company in the customer’s mind. Having said that, customer interaction is sensitive and hence it requires a Contact center software for banks & financial institutions to effortlessly troubleshoot customer queries and help them with their banking needs.

    • Our Client - HDFC
    • Our Client - Nucleusfinancials
    • Our Client - IResearch

    How Intalk.io Contact Center Software for Banking can contribute to improving your overall CX

    Conversational Bot

    When you attend a customer the moment they login to your website, they feel delighted and valued. A conversation bot helps you take care of the following things:

    • It provides 24X7 assistance to your customers
    • It instantly resolves FAQs
    • It reduces dependency on customer support

    Help desk Support

    On a daily basis, the help desk agent receives numerous queries, complaints, and requests that they need to sort out and rally it to the respective department. With the help of Contact center software for banks and financial institutions, they can easily perform the task. Following are the tasks that your agent can perform effortlessly:

    • The agent can manage support tickets across all channels
    • Convert queries into tickets
    • Prioritize issues according to escalation

    Other Features – Intalk.io Contact Center Software for Banking

    Switch Conversations & Interactions - Intalk.io

    Switch conversations and interactions across different channels

    Integrate Backends - Intalk.io

    Integrate Backends – Integrate all the interaction channels into one platform

    Intelligent Reporting & Analysis - Intalk.io

    Intelligent reporting and analysis for better decision-making and management

    Intelligent Contact Insights - Intalk.io

    Empower your Agents by getting access to intelligent contact Insights

    Improved Scalability & Faster Deployment - Intalk.io

    Improved scalability and faster deployment

    An IVR Designer - Intalk.io

    An IVR Designer – That you can customize at your own ease, a convenient graphical user interface (GUI) for all your IVR needs.

    Benefits – Intalk.io Contact Center Software for Banking

    Easy Scalability

    Increase your ROI by scaling your business effortlessly with the help of Contact center software for banks and financial institutions

    Reduced TCO

    Significantly reduce your cost of set up by adopting Intalk.io Contact Center Software for Banking

    Increased Productivity

    Automate your process so that you can use your resource for other important tasks. This will increase the productivity of your business.

    Workforce Flexibility

    For a business to grow it is really important to allow the agents to work on the go. With the help of Contact center software for banks and financial institutions, your agents can be productive even when they are not in the office.

    Enhanced Customer Experience

    Improve Customer Experience by converging all the channels such as Social Media, emails, calls, and SMS into one platform

    Intelligent Reporting and Analytical DashBoard

    Make insightful and meticulous decisions with Interactive Analytical DashBoard of Intalk.io Contact Center Software for Banking

    Customer Experience

    The factor that differentiates between great customer service and an average one is customer delight.

    • The average response time for companies on Facebook is 1 day, 3 hours, and 47 minutes. Yet, 85% of customers on Facebook expect a response from companies within six hours.

      – Eptica
    • The average response time for companies on Twitter is one day, seven hours, and 12 minutes. Yet, 64% of customers on Twitter expect a response from companies within one hour.

      – Eptica
    • When it comes to making a purchase, 64% of people find customer experience more important than price.

      – Gartner

    Our Success Stories


    Years Of Management
    Team Experience


    Catered To




    Business Verticals

    1 Million+

    Handled / Day

    Our Recognitions in the CX Arena

    ChannelWorld Premier 100 Awards & Symposium 2017

    Honorable Mention at CIOReviewIndia, June 2019

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