Call Center Software for Education -
A Contact Center Software for Education

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    The education sector has witnessed a rise in academicians and new institutions trying to offer state of the art teaching methods and digitally advanced teaching tools in order to attract students. Given cut throat competition and the need to stay ahead in the curve, it is really important to reach out to the students on time and in the right manner. Contact center software for education ensure that you can gracefully manage your student data and connect with them in order to keep your business thriving.

    A Multi-Channel Contact Center Software For Education

    Students are amongst the most impatient customer that an organization may come across. They need faster resolutions and even faster responses. They prefer connecting over social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp and other traditional means of communication like SMS, Calls or Emails can also be used to connect with them. Contact center software for education can help your agents to seamlessly toggle between different messages and troubleshoot student queries, and also on-board new students.

    A Multi-Channel Solution -
    Intelligent Routing -

    Intelligent Routing

    Students want resolution on the spot and are not very patient when it comes to getting solutions to their problems. Due to the high amount of influx, it is necessary to route the calls to the right agent in order to service the customer in a better manner. With auto rotation, there will be an even distribution of calls amongst the agents which will keep the work flow even.

    Automated Call Backs

    If your student reaches out to you but is unable to talk to an agent, an automatic call back will be arranged for the student with the help of Contact center software for education so that no call is missed and all your students are catered to.

    Automated Callbacks -

    24×7 Conversational Bot

    Due to the advances in technology, you can now use a bot to interact with the students and resolve their queries. You don’t need to hire a lot of agents now as the bot takes care of half the interaction with the students.

    Whenever a student visits your website for information, the bot will interact with the students with the help of Contact center software for education, to get their basic details in order to be serviced well. Then, the bot will ask questions and provide solutions, or arrange a call back for the student and an agent will call the student to help and assist them.


    It is crucially important for your agents to know whom they are talking to and what is the history of the caller. This helps the agents to service the customers better and is less time consuming rather than asking the customer about their basic details every time they call. Such is the effectiveness of Contact center software for education, that all the crucial information such as history, preferences and other relevant details will pop up right in front of the agent and they will have access to all the details of the students, and will be able to service them better.

    A Helpdesk Solution -
    Self Service -

    Self Service Capabilities

    When the students call,’s contact center software for education will redirect the students to the IVR where they will enter their details and the IVR will take their query and troubleshoot it for them. Repetitive queries that do not need the intervention of the agents can be handled by the IVR and an appropriate resolution will be provided.

    Flexible and Scalable

    The contact center software for education is available on cloud and on premise as well and hence is flexible and will fit according to your needs. Cloud software can help you scale your business even further by hiring more agents.

    Flexibility and Scalability -

    Our Success Stories


    Years Of Management
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    1 Million+

    Handled / Day

    Our Recognitions in the CX Arena

    ChannelWorld Premier 100 Awards & Symposium 2017

    Honorable Mention at CIO Review India, June 2019

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