Contact Center Software for E-Commerce

Contact Center Software for E-Commerce

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Contact Center Software for Banks and Financial Institutions

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    “The secret sauce of Amazon, the number one thing that has made us successful by far is obsessive compulsive focus on the customer as opposed to obsession over the competitor.”

    -Jeff Bezos

    How can your E-commerce business be more about the customer?

    Jeff Bezos

    Building Brand Loyalty

    Ken Blanchard

    “Just having satisfied customers isn’t good enough anymore. If you really want a booming business, you have to create raving fans.”

    – Ken Blanchard

    Here’s a good marketing strategy: Improve your customer experience to the point that your customers start doing it for you. Having a good product and competitive prices are not enough.

    The consumers nowadays are looking for comfort and a good customer experience. If you give them that, you have a won yourself a recurring buyer.

    Building Brand Loyalty -

    How can Contact Center Software for E-commerce help? for e-commerce industry is the answer to your CX problems! The features of will give you an edge over your competition. This is how can take your Ecommerce business to the next level.

    CTI Integration with CRM -

    CTI With CRM

    When your agents are armed with the right tools, your process becomes more automated and productive. With the help of pop-up information of the caller on the screen of the agent, the agent can check all the relevant information of the customer that will help them serve better. A contact center software for E-Commerce enables your agents to perform optimally and drive more sales.

    24X7 Customer Support’s call center software for e-commerce will ensure that your agents are productive even when they are not in the office. Your agents can work remotely and in turn can provide 24X7 customer support. Whether in the office or on field, your customers now will be productive with the help of

    Providing 24/7 Support -

    CRM Integrations – Contact Center Software for E-Commerce

    If you already have a Helpdesk with CRM, then will fit like a glove and enhance the process even further. Resolve all your customer queries with just a snap of your fingers with the following functions that the integration has to offer.

    Call Center Software For Bank Industry

    Click-to-Call Functionality

    Click-to-call ensures that the agent does not need to manually dial the number of the customers. The agents just have to click on the customer’s number and the call will be placed. This helps in removing errors while calling and the productivity of the agent increases.

    Call Center Software For Bank Industry

    Single Sign-On

    The agent doesn’t have to sign-on in, with the help of single sign-on your agents can easily log into the software and easily access the features.

    Call Center Software For Bank Industry

    CTI Pop-Ups

    CTI Pop-Ups enables the agent to get all the necessary details of the customers on the same screen which will help the agent service the client in a better manner. Your agent doesn’t have to go searching for customer details which is time consuming and unproductive.

    Call Center Software For Bank Industry

    Voice Logs and Reports

    Optimizing the process is important and with the help of voice logs and reports, you can optimize your process and find loop holes to be closed. Reports enable you to give valuable feedback to your agents, in order to improve their performance.

    Reporting and Analytics

    “Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.”

    – Winston Churchill

    Intelligent Reporting and Analytics -

    Real Time Analytics: Real time analytics help you to keep a track of your progress and tweak the process or course correct it, so that you are aligned with your goals. Analytics is a great tool to get a clear picture of your organization on which you can derive strategies and implement it.

    Agent Productivity Report: Your agents are the face of your organization and they are the ones who deal with your customers on a daily basis. Their performance matters the most as that is what will derive sales and revenue for your organization. Agent productivity report helps you understand where your agents stand and what can be done to improve their performance.

    Reach Out To More Customers – Contact Center Software for E-Commerce

    Reaching out to a greater number of customers is very important in order to increase the customer base. Our software for e-commerce can help you to reach out to 1000s of customers, all at once.

    Voice Blaster: Voice blaster helps you send out multiple voice notes and recordings at the same time to multiple customers. This saves a lot of time and mass communication is taken care of with the help of this feature.

    Proactive Dialing: This feature helps call multiple customers at the same time which amplifies the reach and helps you connect and on board many customers at the same time.

    Marketing -

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    Our Recognitions in the CX Arena

    ChannelWorld Premier 100 Awards & Symposium 2017

    Honorable Mention at CIOReviewIndia, June 2019

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