Call Center Software for Hospitals -

Explore Cloud Based Medical and Healthcare Contact Center Solutions

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    • Our Client - Lokmanya Hospitals
    • Our Client - Bahrain Specialist Hospital
    • Our Client - HDFC
    • Our Client - Airtel
    • Our Client - rebelfoods
    • Our Client - Swipe
    • Our Client - DHL

    Enable Your Workforce To Achieve Process Efficiencies and Deliver Enhanced Patient Care

    The Healthcare sector has to deal with fatal situations on an everyday basis; providing uninterrupted assistance is a necessity in this sector. Agents have to deal with a large volume of inbound calls in the healthcare sector, hence, automating the resolution of trivial queries helps in enhancing the productivity of your agents and helps you focus your resources on the more important matters at hand.

    Features of
    Call Center Software for Healthcare

    • Easy Deployment
    • Seamless HIS, CRM and Chatbot Integration
    • Appointment Booking
    • Automated Broadcasting
    • Multi-Channel Interaction
    • CTI Pop-Ups
    • Intelligent IVR
    • Monitoring and Reporting
    • Call Prioritizing
    • User Friendly
    • Affordable
    • Scalable
    Multi-Channel Patient Interaction -

    Multi-Channel Assistance

    A contact center solution that makes sure that your patients are supported and responded to, on calls, email, social media, webchat and SMS without any kind of hindrance.

    Best Solution To Provide Best Service In This Hardships Of COVID-19 -

    Increased agent productivity

    A contact center solution that empowers your agents with all the necessary information (CTI pop ups) to effectively resolve all patient queries, without having to inquire again.

    Intelligent IVR

    An intelligent IVR to book and schedule appointments without the assistance of your staff.

    Schedule Reminders -

    Schedule Reminders

    A contact center solution to help you schedule reminders and callbacks to ensure that you never miss any meeting or followup.

    Our Success Stories


    Years Of Management
    Team Experience


    Catered To




    Business Verticals

    1 Million+

    Handled / Day

    Hospital Appointment Scheduling System -

    Improved Appointment Scheduling System

    The hospitals wanted to improve their appointment booking system to enhance the overall patient experience.
    We designed a customized appointment system that had the following features:

    • The appointment booking system allowed the patient care team to manage appointment timings according to hospitals and doctors’ schedules, to avoid overbooking.
    • A common portal was given to the front desk receptionists and patient care agents, for better coordination of the appointment booking process.
    • Doctors were provided a different login ID, to help them manage their schedules and appointments effectively.
    • sent automatic reminders and notifications to the patients if there was any change in their appointment.

    Hospital Information System Integration

    • A calling solution that can be integrated to their Hospital Information System of the institution.
    • Patient care agents can easily handle calls on one window.
    • Previously booked appointments are shown on the patient care agent UI.
    • Unified view for patient care agents to handle patient queries more efficiently as well as all information was available on a single window.
    Hospital Information System Integration -
    A Healthcare Chatbot -

    A Healthcare Chatbot

    Increase the efficiency of your patient care agents with Artificial Intelligence!

    An intelligent assistant that simplifies the website experience for your patients and automates trivial tasks. Instead of calling the reception, a patient can just go to Whatsapp, Facebook or your website and interact with the virtual healthcare assistant. The conversational bot will respond to your patients on its own, without the assistance of your patient care agents.

    Reporting and Supervision

    Ticketing for Hospitals -

    Improvement is an ongoing process. In order to learn, we must first observe. has empowered hospitals to monitor the calling activities of the patient care agents and improve the overall patient experience.
    We have provided the supervisors with precise stats within a single window which included Total Login hours, Total Talk Time, Call Count (total, inbound and outbound), Average duration (inbound and outbound), Pi graphs and statistics for patient care agent state which include durations for login time, ready, stop, pause, dispose, confer, transfer, mute, hold, call, manual, preview etc.


    If people don’t know about your services, how will they reach out to you?

    The hospitals that we have provided our services to wanted to make the public more aware of the medical services that they provide. We gave them a solution that could help them amplify their marketing efforts.
    Voice Blaster: A feature that helped send multiple voice recording and SMSes simultaneously in the most simplified manner to their existing patients and their potential patients.
    Predictive Dialing: To make multiple calls at one time and reach out to maximum patients in minimum time.

    Our Recognitions in the CX Arena

    ChannelWorld Premier 100 Awards & Symposium 2017

    Honorable Mention at CIOReviewIndia, June 2019

    WhatsApp chat